The 6 Most Procrastinating Zodiac Signs

The 6 Most Procrastinating Zodiac Signs The 6 Most Procrastinating Zodiac Signs. Photo: pexels

There are some signs that are driven by goals and dedicate themselves to achieving them. There are those who love the idea of execution, realization, and completion of a project and then there are those who are moved by the motto “oh well, what’s the harm in delaying it a little bit, is it a crime?”.

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And these are the procrastinators!

Procrastination is a bad habit, but for these procrastinating signs, it’s not a crime; to them, they’re just not doing something timely.
Are you one of them? Check out the 6 signs driven by the expression: “Why put off until tomorrow what you can delay the day after tomorrow?”

1 – AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

One of the reasons Aquarians top the list when it comes to procrastination is that they are so full of doubts that they sabotage their own acts by bringing up the idea of failure. This looming specter hampers their self-confidence and, instead of admitting total defeat, they cling to it. They do this at their own pace, which means, too late.

2 – TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

When Taurus doesn’t want to do the work necessary to complete a project, they tend to revert to the habit of procrastination. But, this doesn’t mean they abandon the project; they will complete it, but there’s no rush for them.
And if they feel the pressure, the concept of urgent work is pushed even further down the path of laziness and lack of accomplishment. Taurus is a sign that wouldn’t exist in the zodiac if it depended on timely completion of any task.

3 – LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

You might think that Libra is one of the best signs of the zodiac and that they will certainly do whatever you need. But, unfortunately, it’s not quite like that. Libra always and inevitably works for themselves, in their own time, and mainly, at their own pace.
Therefore, if delaying something is procrastination, so be it, they don’t care, because they don’t realize it. Libra lives in their own world and they do everything at their own pace – very slowly.

4 – VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Perfectionist and a luxury procrastinator! Virgo has every intention of dreaming big and putting it into practice – as long as that doesn’t mean they have to actually “get their hands dirty”. Self-effort is not Virgo’s strength.
Well, not in the “action” department. Sure, they are great with physical talents, and you’ll find them in the gym at 5 AM, giving their best, but when it comes to finishing a task that might be difficult, you’ll have to wait months, until the procrastination ends.

5 – SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Hi. Yes, it’s me. El Procrastinatore. Sagittarius is so busy with their millions of great ideas, they get overwhelmed with the idea of executing at least one of them. It’s a real contest for the first place on the podium, and the competitors are: imagination and laziness.
Oh, and they tend to cancel each other out. Don’t rely on Sagittarius to carry out some extremely important work, but you can count on them if you need a great idea.

6 – PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Sure, they want to please you! And because this desire to please is so great within them, they’d rather make up any excuse to not get involved in a problem, to avoid the risk of being in the frontline and actually needing to do something about it.
They are happy to procrastinate; in fact, if this procrastination makes you lose interest in their help, all the better, because the truth is that Pisces doesn’t want to help you with that at all!

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